Our Vision

To continuously
modernize, expand and technologically upgrade our products with a
view to produce excellent and high quality goods in matching with
the changing needs of the customers, improve foreign exchange
earning for the country by promoting exports, face global
competition and further improve our global presence, fame and glory.
To improve customer satisfaction, become cost effective, to promote
employees participation and to implement innovative methods for
enrichment of quality of life of all concerned.
Modernization, expansion and technological up gradation to achieve
International Standards of excellence.
Marketing focus on the changing customer needs and change of product
suited to customer requirements.
Promotion of exports and earning valuable foreign exchange for the
Regular up gradation to face global challenges and competition from
developing countries.
Continuous Organizational restructuring to ensure customer
Cost effectiveness in all areas of operations and effective
management to meet global competition.
Participation of employees and their motivation for achieving our
visionary goals. |